Why Nikola Tesla was the most awesome person ever.

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Why Nikola Tesla was the most awesome person ever.

Post by SurfinRainbow »

Edison wasn't the man who invented the lightbulb- it was 22 other man who created it before him. Edison just knew how to SELL it. Tesla was offered by Edison the modern equivalent of 1 million dollars- When Tesla fixed them all, guess what Edison said?
"Tesla, you don't understand our American humor." What a jerk! Tesla discovered amazing things- he just forgot to write them down. After his fight with Edison, he worked on the AC- Alternating Currents- while Edison worked on his DC- Direct Current- system. DC required a power plant every mile- AC used THINNER WIRES, had HIGH VOLTAGE, and could transmit electricity over LONG DISTANCES. So then Edison paid schoolboys 25 cents a head for LIVE CATS AND DOGS- Which he then electrocuted with Tesla's AC.
What a jerk.

Marconi? He invented the radio. TESLA DID THAT. His response was "Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents."

Radar- Robert A. Watson-Watt "created" that- But Tesla did it first. EIGHTEEN YEARS BEFORE.
He also invented X-rays, WHICH HE WARNED COULD BE DANGEROUS. One of Edison's employees helped test it- and died. Edison was such an idiot that HE NEARLY BLINDED HIMSELF BY FIRING X-RAYS- AT HIS OWN EYES!

Who invented the first hydroelectric plant at Niagara Falls?
Cryogenic Engineering?
First person to record radio waves from outer space?
Discoverer of Resonant Frequency of earth?
Inventor of an Earthquake Machine?
Ball lightning is lightning that travels slowly while hovering above the ground.
No scientists have ever done it.
Except for Tesla in 1890.
Tesla invented the remote control, neon lightning, the electric motor, and wireless communications.
Lightning charges everything from the heavens. TESLA HARNESSED IT.
He spoke eight languages, most of us only speak one, and poorly.
He could memorize entire books. AND RECITE THEM.
He could visualize devices ENTIRELY IN HIS HEAD and then build them without EVER WRITING ANYTHING. He lived to be 86 years old and SIX FOOT SIX- He was revolutionary.

TLDR: Tesla was awesome.
Edit: He also had a mental problem, he hallucinated and was yet still awesome.
Last edited by SurfinRainbow on Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why Nikola Tesla was the most awesome person ever.

Post by TheRedDuncan »

Patents are basically documents that say: "I have this thing, and I don't want other people to use it without my consent and/or give me money"


I have photos from my vacation that I said I would post, but was too lazy to post.

This is from the Griffith Observatory in LA. It is my favorite invention of Tesla's...

P1040023.JPG (2.77 MiB) Viewed 2459 times
I think I can see the back of my head from here
I think I can see the back of my head from here
P1040021.JPG (3.03 MiB) Viewed 2459 times
You can't see it, but there's a neon sign that lights up from the coil
You can't see it, but there's a neon sign that lights up from the coil
P1040020.JPG (3.31 MiB) Viewed 2459 times
"Look at the sky, is there a heaven out there? What do you see? Is it a road to nowhere? I see a mountain, high, that reaches to the sky forever."

It begins with a ring-leader; in this case Bob "Flaming Carrot" Burden. "We'll make history, lads" he enthues "The first up-tempo, now, 1980's, happening kind of comic book artists to ever draw on a girl's legs in a strange hotel room".
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Re: Why Nikola Tesla was the most awesome person ever.

Post by sniper101 »

in fact that's one of my question question answer!
whose your favorite historian! and I said Nickolas Tesla!
but also because Thomas Edison isn't that nice person You think of
the person you think who is nice and brought light bulbs for human kind
he's is those strike to be rich people...
I love bicycling.
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Re: Why Nikola Tesla was the most awesome person ever.

Post by TheRedDuncan »

I just remembered this existed.

"Look at the sky, is there a heaven out there? What do you see? Is it a road to nowhere? I see a mountain, high, that reaches to the sky forever."

It begins with a ring-leader; in this case Bob "Flaming Carrot" Burden. "We'll make history, lads" he enthues "The first up-tempo, now, 1980's, happening kind of comic book artists to ever draw on a girl's legs in a strange hotel room".
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Re: Why Nikola Tesla was the most awesome person ever.

Post by HomeBrew »

Couldn't agree more. It's the same deal with Steve Jobs and Wozniak. As you said, one knew how to sell -the apple II that is- and that's what people remember. It's nice to see Tesla get some attention here.
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