Mwhaahahahhhahah!! Funky breakbeats galore.. + some other stuff.
Yes, I do have an obsession with beats. Don't judge me.
(This next one starts in 11/8, and then shifts to 4/4 later.. say whaaat!?)
Building up, and up, and.. boom.
That's one franchise out of the way! (Don't worry, it'll be the longest one.)
Are you still here?
(Acoustic part is best... :I)
I never really played 4th gen that much, but this track feels like nostalgia.. It's weird.
These next videos are sight-read. (The piano player has never heard the song before. He looks at it for about a minute, and then just plays it. This takes an INSANE amount of skill, and if something sounds wrong, then that's why.)
Kirby? Yeah. Kirby
I'ma quit now...
Video game music.. (RAM USAGE WARNING)
Video game music.. (RAM USAGE WARNING)
kju:enmɑru: in phonetics. Not Kai-you-enn.
Re: Video game music..
Kyu im actually quite intrigue by this
By the time u put into makeing this post and putting all links
And the time and effor to wacth al lthose video's
Then again i could of done same thing but people wouldn't enjoy it cus i find humor everywhere then as of now. lol
By the time u put into makeing this post and putting all links
And the time and effor to wacth al lthose video's
Then again i could of done same thing but people wouldn't enjoy it cus i find humor everywhere then as of now. lol
I love bicycling.
Re: Video game music..
Impressive beats K now allow me to percents of my own (A modern version flying battery zone from Sonic 3 and Knuckles) (live and learn Sonic Adventure 2) (Opening theme to Mega Man 2 remix)
I'll be back with a little bit more later apologies for not being able to match your wall of Music lol. and I was having problems with in betting so that's why there's just links sorry (A modern version flying battery zone from Sonic 3 and Knuckles) (live and learn Sonic Adventure 2) (Opening theme to Mega Man 2 remix)
I'll be back with a little bit more later apologies for not being able to match your wall of Music lol. and I was having problems with in betting so that's why there's just links sorry
Re: Video game music..
Embedding* #GrammarNazimyras wrote:I was having problems with in betting so that's why there's just links sorry

Click the youtube button in the composer and copy paste the part in the url after (Ie. bI69iIbeVJQ)
Problem solved #LikeABoss
Misc. Old Stuff
Mega Man II: Doctor Wily's Castle Theme
Yeth :3
Doom: At Doom's Gate
This game is amazing. Go buy it and play it with GZDoom
Metal Covers Of Above
Pokemon: Trainer Battle Theme By Levar Allen
This guy is amazing. Too bad he is with Machinima.

Mega Man II: Dr. Wily's Castle Theme By Levar Allen
Dr Light should make more mega mans so they could play this. The Beats would be epic. The Lazors would be destructive. The Shwag would be unmatched. THIS!!!
Doom: At Doom's Gate
At doom's gate. An 1337 song to say the least......
Mega Man X Series
Mega Man X5: X Vs Zero
Mega Man X: Storm Eagle Stage
This is the best and my favorite song in gaming. No questions asked.
Mega Man X: Spark Mandrill Stage
It sounds better than the acapella, But it's not near as awesome. Synthesissies? You Need To Step it up. (Yes, I did just say synthesissies)
Mega Man X: Armored Armadillo Stage
It's cool. well yes.
Mega Man X Series Remix/Covers
Mega Man X5: X Vs Zero By Lennart Alsing
This guy is unbelievably amazing. Let's get him to play Another awesome thing.
Mega Man X: Storm Eagle Stage By Lennart Alsing
EVEN MORE AMAZING!!!!1!!!11!!!1
Mega Man X: Spark Mandrill Stage (Acapella Arangement) By Smooth Mcgroove (HCKWYDITD)
If you know this guy, You know what HCKWYDITD Means. ACAPELLA (That is not what it means). Kyuen knows this. Go sub him now.
Mega Man X: Tuck 'N Roll [Armored Armadillo Stage] By The Overclocked Plaid Muffins
I love this ReMix. Go get Mega Man X Maverick Rising Off OcRemix. It's 4 Disks of amazing.
Note: Minor Cursing
Street Fighter II
Street Fighter II: Ken's Theme
I'm planning to build a mame cabinet, I Wa play dis gaim.
Street Fighter II: Guile's Theme
This is better then ken's lol
SF2 Covers and stuff
Street Fighter II: Ken's Theme By Charlie Parra
This theme is classic.
Street Fighter II: Guile's Theme By Charlie Parra
F-Zero: Big Blue
I love the F-Zero Musics. 0:32-0:58 is awesome.
F-Zero: Mute City
This is the best first level of any game. Because of this song alone the SNES Sold. Breaking News Some was spotted of the freeway yelling FALCON PAWNCH at the top of his lungs he was described as A BAD*** and MAJESTIC
F-Zero Covers
Even better than the originals :3
F-Zero: Big Blue By sbeast64
An Amazing cover. This is why video game covers are worth listening to. Also, He did a little sampling from SSBB. Nice touch bro.
F-Zero: Mute City By sbeast64
What the.......Did I win?
Re: Video game music.. (RAM USAGE WARNING)
I'm on platinum again and its the first time I've visited 4th gen in some years
the music is godly and i never noticed the fact that they made 2 sountracks, one for day and one for night
the music is godly and i never noticed the fact that they made 2 sountracks, one for day and one for night
kju:enmɑru: in phonetics. Not Kai-you-enn.
Re: Video game music.. (RAM USAGE WARNING)
Noticed you mentioned time signatures... do you play an instrument? I'm a drummer myself.
"You know what the first rule of flying is? ...Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurting 'fore she keels. Makes her a home."
Re: Video game music.. (RAM USAGE WARNING)
I just know really basic music theory. I'd love to find time to learn the muscle memory for keys but I don't have the energy for it right now
kju:enmɑru: in phonetics. Not Kai-you-enn.