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Getting RDMed on T rounds

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:35 pm
by Maxaroni
I am so sick of getting RDMed on most-all of my T rounds. I feel as if im forced to be inno becuase whenever im T im a RDM magnet. Most people get RDMed every once and awhile on T rounds but for me its very consistant. Also, i dont get very many T rounds anymore (IDK why) so when i get RDMed as always its worst then with others because that T round could be my only one for 20-30 rounds (For real). I used to enjoy myself on this server more before the recent tsunami of RDMers and Trools. This raises the question, Are we becoming more popular or are we becoming more popular to trolls? Alot of people think of Family Friendly as a challenge and go and RDM to make their point. See my frustration? I get less T rounds then most, and almost always get RDMed on them. Image

Re: Getting RDMed on T rounds

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:51 pm
by sniper101
Ug I was their....
U also kinda rdmed Renrag Back you know...........
Dude DLC had this same exact problem and complain how he never has any good T rounds and such
but please think that theres always another chance to be T

Re: Getting RDMed on T rounds

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:06 pm
by TheRedDuncan
It's because all the trolls and RDMers know I'm on vacation. Now they've come to attack when I can't be there to smite them with my ban hammer.

With being inno all the time. It happens. On the bright side, you can become one of the best innos around!

Re: Getting RDMed on T rounds

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:12 pm
by OmegaCreepah
yeah i hated it i get RDMed in a T round. For me it usually happens when a new guys kill me or peoples "logic"

Re: Getting RDMed on T rounds

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:23 am
by sniper101
Dont leave OmegaCreepah!
and it rarely happened to me only those numskullz that don't know how to play games and those people that shoot red barrels rdm me in and on my T round